*  What should I expect from a YogaFit class?

YogaFit classes are done in a “three-mountain” format.  In mountain I, we begin warming our muscles, moving to full range of motion in preparation for work to follow, thereby reducing risk of injury.  Mountain II is considered the “work” phase, where we hold poses, building strength and flexibility.  Mountain III is where we introduce deep stretching, as the body is sufficiently warm from our previous work.  The last 5-10 minutes is reserved for final relaxation, completely relaxing our bodies and minds.  Sessions typically last between 60-75 minutes.

*   Is YogaFit difficult?

YogaFit is for everyone.  However, if you are new to any type of yoga or exercise in general, it is best that you take it easy the first few sessions.  As with any yoga session (whether your first session or your five-hundredth session), we encourage listening to your body and finding your personal level of comfort and/or intensity.  We offer modifications during our YogaFit sessions.  You are encouraged to challenge yourself (this will be different from one day to the next), while at the same time listening to how your body feels.  There is a distinct difference between intensity and pain.   If you experience pain or ragged breathing at any time, you are likely overworking and we advise you to rest.  Resting is ALWAYS encouraged.  It is best to rest and then ease yourself back into poses when you are ready.  We NEVER force ourselves into poses or stretches, as this can result in stress/injury.

*   What should I wear to a YogaFit class?

It is advisable that you wear comfortable clothing made from breathable fabric.  Some prefer more form-fitting attire while others feel best in looser-fitting clothing for their practice.  Choose clothing that you are not constantly tugging or pulling on (simply because it takes focus away from your practice and makes it difficult to stay present).   Some comfortable options are yoga pants/capris/shorts, tanks (no sports bras for tops, please), short and long-sleeved t-shirts.  In cooler months, we may need to layer clothing, as our body temperatures will be fluctuating and it helps to have some extra layers to put on during final relaxation.  Basically, wear what is comfortable for you.

*   What should I bring to a YogaFit class?

You definitely want to have your own yoga mat, water, and a towel.  You may also consider bringing a small pillow or bolster, an eye mask, and any extras you feel would help during final relaxation.  Yoga props such as straps or blocks are welcomed.   Otherwise, an open mind and healthy attitude toward yourself and others is all you need to start practicing today!


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